Project Planning Sheet

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Project Planning Sheet

Topic: Career or Cluster that interests me

Inquiry Question: Do I want to be a (career)?  Can I compare and contrast 2 possible
career choices? What can I learn about (career)?

Topics for weekly blog posts:

Blog #1: Career Cruising
Matchmaker and My Skills

Which of the 16 career clusters are suggested for you?
What three careers did you choose? Why?
Blog #2: RIASEC

What is your 3 letter code? 
What does this tell you about your interests? What three careers did you choose? Why?
Blog #3: True Colors

What true color were you (green, gold, blue or
What 3 careers did this assessment suggest would be a good fit for you? Why?
Blog #4: Career Choice

Career description
 -3 duties expected
 -3 skills/abilities needed for  the career

 -degree or certificate needed
 -cost to complete
 -time to complete
Blog #5: Pay and Outlook

-median wage
-lowest 10% pay/salary
-top 10% pay/salary
-How can you get paid more?
(experience, training, travel, where you live)?

Job Outlook
 -is this field expanding or decreasing in popularity? Why? How can you tell?
Blog #6: Environment and hours

Work environment
 -major city/small town
 -expected to travel?

 -how many hours in a shift/work week?
 -seasonal changes (summer/winter) 

Blog #7: Conclusion

-Do you still have an interest in this career? Why? Why not? If not what career might you consider next?

Link your presentation in your final blog post.

Resources: Bureau of Labor Statistics  Career Cruising

Interview with person in the career/field. Job shadow a person in the career/field.
