Kindness Week and National School Counseling Week

We are well on our way to being prepared for Kindness Week next week. Students have helped me before school to create posters and put together Kindness Kits for our teachers. The kits include a challenge sheet with many different ideas for spreading kindness at school, home, and in the community. Kindness should be shown to others, but it is also important to be kind to yourself. You can not give from an empty bucket, so be sure to be kind to yourself to be able to be kind to others!

This week is National School Counseling Week! It is a great opportunity for me to remind students, teachers and parents that I am here in the building to help with academics, social and emotional concerns as well as college and career planning. While I do meet with individual students for specific needs, I also meet with small groups of students to work on skills and present lessons to large groups related to social and emotional learning and college and career preparedness. I use data collected from a variety of sources from parent or teacher reports to test scores and attendance data to determine student needs. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me! 
